I have Marc to thank for my renewed enthusiasm for using glitter, until a week or so ago all I possessed was my beloved diamond/fairy dust translucent glitter, used for the odd titivation, anything I may have had in the past had been sent to the local charity shop a while back. But seeing Marc’s vast array of glitter and playing with it again ….. made me see the possibilities.

Which was probably why I bought three of these wooden Christmas cards from Hobbycraft

In fact I found all the glittering very relaxing and therapeutic!

The only think I added to all the glitter was a few flat backed pearls for the mistletoe berries to add a little dimension and a different texture.

The only thing I am not too keen on is the “Happy Holidays” sentiment …. it’s a little too “American” for me ….. I would have much preferred a Happy/Merry Christmas. I admit I didn’t notice it until I got home, had I, I probably wouldn’t have bought them ….. but I daresay nobody else will notice, it’s just a me thing!