Following on from yesterday I think I may have overegged my first attempt at a charmed necklace, my usual rule is less is more, but I am afraid I didn’t stick to it and have just created what looks like a random, unstructured jumble of charms and beads.

I wanted it to look interesting, but it’s a bit too much, and all those interesting bits have just got lost, but as Marc told me, with jewellery making if you don’t like what you have done you can just undo it and you will still have all the bits to do it all again!

I started off with this necklace that was selling pieces for 3 for £1 and removed the ribbon that went through the chain ……

…… and replaced the small tassel with something a little bigger and more extravagant …….

……. but after that I am afraid I lost my way by adding too many large pieces, I wanted layers but in the end I got a tangled mess.

So now I have photographed it, I am going to take certain bits off it, like the tree of life and see if I can arrange it a bit better (below). I also need to practice opening and closing my jump rings, I don’t have the knack yet, and Marc makes it look so easy!

I just need to keep practising!