Oh my life, someone somewhere is telling me, very robustly, not to give up on the blogging! I admit I am really struggling and worrying because my list of scheduled blogs is dwindling … after 22nd September I have nothing in the bag and I am afraid my mojo has all but disappeared ….. but then this happens …..

….. the most wonderful parcel from Dianne in Florida! What can I say,
but a HUGE “Thank You”. It contained so many beautiful things and so many treasures ….

…. including this lovely locket, complete with shells, I adore it and think putting a picture of The Duke in it will just be perfect. Such a thoughtful gift and though I have never met Dianne, I feel she knows me so well.

Also in the parcel were some Halloween goodies, which is all VERY SPOOKY because when I was talking to Marc about my lack of mojo he told me to think about doing some Halloween bits and bobs …. and Ghost Sucker Wraps (above) and stickers are just the inspiration I needed, so tomorrow, after work, I am going to get me a bag of suckers,just love the name!!!!!!

…… and speaking of the gorgeous, marvellous Marc ….. I managed to get a pair of bargain train tickets so that I can go stay with him for a couple of days in October ….. I am so excited …… we are just going to sit on his settee all day long, watch Create and Craft, do some fiddle farting and perhaps indulge in the odd one, two three vodkas …bliss !!!!

And then when I didn’t think things could get any better ….. look what arrived in my e-mail, OMG!! What can I say, but another HUGE thank you to The Decopatch Place in Witney ….what a wonderful surprise …. and like I said at the beginning of this post …. someone is defiantly telling me something, and it’s time I got off my bum and started to fiddle fart again!!