I found this Christmas bauble on Marc’s top shelf, it looked soooooooo expensive and then Marc laughed and told me that it was made from a polystyrene ball and a pair of old glittery tights!

He said he made a hole at the top of the ball, then cut a section (possibly the foot) from a pair of purple glittery tights, forming it round the ball and gathering the ends into the hole, securing with glue and a spare hanging fixing from another bauble.

He then decorated it using small squares cut from a mesh of faux jewels (I found an identical length of the same material in Home Bargains wedding section for 69p for 2 metres) and strands of very small silver plastic ball chain artistically swirled and glued. It is stunning! And now, when I see glittery tights around Halloween I shall certainly be availing myself of a pair or two to see what I can come up with. I am already thinking swimming noodle door wreath?