Kassiopi was stunning, Lu and I didn’t know what to expect, but we found a very beautiful fishing village, with lovely restaurants……..

……. and beautiful views.
It had everything we like in a resort, and I may consider looking at it in more detail when it comes to booking for our 2018 holiday.
Part of Lu’s and my Greek holidays almost always includes a peep into a church or two, and the church in Kassiopi was so beautiful and peaceful, I think the memory of our visit will stay with us for a long, long time.
Inside was stunning, with the church dating back to the 16th Century.

I loved the icons, the huge glass lights and the ornate incense burners and glass candle holders, we aren’t very religious, but we always say that if we ever go that way, we will go Greek Orthodox.

What I had never seen before were the Tamata and instantly feel in love with them. They are made from thin metal sheets, stamped with legs, arms, ears, eyes, torsos, hearts, babies, whole bodies, male and female, young and old and as votive offerings are hung from an icon with a prayer and the lighting of a candle, symbolising wishes for a miracle of healing. I desperately wanted one, but this wasn’t the place to get one, so I am currently trying to find a Greek Orthodox shop back home where I might be able to.

There was a lovely lady in the church who told us all about it’s history and answered all our questions, we bought some holy oil, and as we always do, lit candles for all the special people who are no longer with us to share our adventures and memories with.

Moving on …… there was also two objects of very great desire in one of the ice cream shops, we popped into for a frozen Greek yoghurt and honey …….. to wit the lights ……. OMG, I would give my eye teeth for a pair of these, I have to laugh, my taste is so predictable! I would love to be regressed one day and find out exactly where my past lives have been spent, Marc would say that I have definitely got a bit of gay man in me somewhere ……. if you pardon the expression matron!

I don’t usually do wallpaper, but this, in the same establishment as the lights were had me drooling.

Another lovely, day, a day to remember when the nights draw in and are cold and I am snuggled up on the settee wrapped in my duvet!