Agggh ….. my projects seem to be getting bigger, more ambitious and more time consuming. I have been slowly redecorating the house because, to be honest, it was all looking a little tired. I haven’t done anything flamboyant, just laid down magnolia and white as a base for each room, which has then given me a blank canvas to add my twiddly bits to, but although I am desperate to get a start on my ideas, I know I need to do one thing at a time, and not begin anything new until another project has been finished, but it’s hard to do as I am such a flitterer!!

Progress on my matching pair of boudoir mirrors has temporary drawn to a reluctant stop, mainly because I need some large “signature” pieces of disassembled Primark jewellery to strategically place and then build around with the smaller pieces I already have,

…. but unfortunately stocks of new pieces haven’t yet hit the shops (what with the January sales etc.) so I will have to wait patiently, but once I get the pieces I need, I don't think the mirrors will take that long to complete.

I said when I started that I wasn’t planning on making the mirrors identical, well I am afraid it didn’t take me too long to become quite anal about it …. and now, in all probability the mirrors will be “
almost” exactly the same!!!!

Once the mirrors are done, I have two more projects that Tom bought me for Christmas that I said I fancied having a go at ……

….. namely a Decopatch deer head for the top of my landing ……

And …. this mahoooosive 3ft 3ins x 4ft 10ins canvas, because I said I wanted to have a go at painting!!!! Whatever possessed me?

I adore Collier Campbell designs after I finding them accidently while searching on Google, and “thought” it may be something that I could try, inspired by the patterns and vibrant colours, to create a “picture” for my dining room, however the size of the canvas is a little daunting ….. so I may try a smaller canvas first!
…… Well, I think I have got enough bits for getting on with ….. so watch this space!