You know when you have a crafty idea, but you can’t find what you need to make it and then you almost give up?

Well, that was me. Originally I was looking for some more of the small branched table Christmas trees I had from Poundland last year to hang all the gorgeous beads I got from WholePort, but I scoured every shop in town (and out) and just couldn’t find any!

Then while I was in Dunelm …. just about to pay for my “faux mink throw”, I spied this illuminated tree for just £4.99 from across the checkout, it wasn’t quite an Ulrika moment but ……

…… as didn’t look that special, and I wasn’t really that sure about it, but when I looked at it up close, I wondered if I could attach the beads to it somehow ….. perhaps with jump rings? So, despite my reservations I decided to risk my ill-gotten £4.99!!

I am soooooo glad I did, it looks gorgeous all bejewelled, if I might say so myself, tasteful and elegant ….. very suitable for my festive lounge!!! Admittedly my fingers are a little sore at the moment as I don’t have a clue how to use the tweezery things I have in my drawer properly, so I admit I opened and closed the rings with my said fingers!!!
But, it was sooooooo worth it!