As you probably know I love box/shadow frames and finding little treasures to put in them, and while I was sorting through The Dukes bits and pieces I found this Imperial Service medal, unfortunately (as is often the case) I don’t know any of the history of it, just that it was given to him by his Great Aunt……

…. but it seemed sad that it should be kept in its box, in a drawer, never to see the light of day for years and years, so I decided to frame it. I was mindful however, that one day, I in turn, would probably wish to pass it on (in its original box of course) and therefore needed to secure it within the frame using the least number of materials possible in order that its condition was not harmed or its possible value affected.

So I decided to use two adhesive
VELCRO® ‘Stick On’ circles (one on the ribbon and one on the medal itself) to hold it in place, and they seem to have done the trick.

I have also framed a couple of other treasures recently (not using
VELCRO® this time), which are now gracing the shelves of my dining room which I am slowly “doing up” ….. for when I am ready to apply to be on ‘Come Dine With Me’ !!!!

The peacock brooch was from Marc, which I strongly suspect is from Butler and Wilson, The tree, also a brooch, was from my mum last Christmas and is from Pia ….. and the Eiffel Tower was one bought back from Paris by The Duke from our
very trip abroad together to celebrate not having to help pay any more towards Tom and Lucy's university fees etc.….. he loved Paris soooooo much he couldn’t stop thinking about it when we got back …. so about a fortnight later we went back to do it all again! What was he like?