These tags measure approximately 11cms x 2cms.

I think these copper tags were a charity shop find when Marc and I went “
on honeymoon” to Shrewsbury about 3 years ago. If I were to hazard a guess, I think they may be something to do with gardening, but I will stand corrected if anyone knows any better……

Anyway, Marc and I split what they had between us, paying no more than £1 each …… but it has taken until now for me to do anything with mine ……

….. and that being “just” stamping them, but having said that, I am so chuffed with how they have turned out. I stamped them using letters from a retro vintage alphabet and number set I found on e-bay, for, I think, about £7.
I decided it would be a lot easier to print the letters, using jet black Stazon Ink, in a higgledy piggledy way, rather than try and get them perfectly spaced out and level, but even doing that, I still had to wipe quite a few mistakes away before I was happy.
The finishing touch was to add a wooden bead to the copper wire that came with the tags.