I have been beavering away like mad to make sure I have enough posts in the bag to cover the next few days so that I can go off on my travels ……….

……. because after 6 years in recovery, I have decided to take my life in my hands, after vowing never ever, ever again by going to the NEC tomorrow for The Hobby Crafts Show! As some of you might remember, this used to be a regular jaunt for me and my friend Lisa (Bird) now to be seen on Create and Craft demonstrating the Silhouette Cameo ……… that was until we couldn’t take the pushing, shoving and bruised shins anymore! I am hoping that by going on a Thursday it might be a bit quieter??????

However, as I don’t have a clue what’s in and what’s out in the Craft World anymore I thought it was about time I went and had a look around, hoping that Evesham has had a mellowing affect on my patience. There is nothing I particularly want or need, but I expect that will all change when I get there. I will also try to remember to dress as lightly as possible, as from memory once it starts to get crowded it will also get hot, and a lady of my age doesn’t need to get any hotter than she does at present!!
…… And, being very mean when it come to buying tickets of any description, I didn’t want to pay the full £12 for my ticket, so managed to get my ticket from Groupon for the Thursday for £7 (Sunday also available for the same price), plus as a new customer to Groupon I got a further 15% off using a new customer voucher code, so in the end my ticket has cost me just £5.95.
I am hoping to come back inspired, rather than sore and bad tempered. I will then go on to spend a day or so in W-ton catching up with family and, of course, the pound shops! I shall report back sometime next week, with hopefully lots of pictures and ideas.