While I was at Marc’s he had bought his We R Memory Keepers Alphabet Boards out to try. I “think” he has both the regular and mini size, plus a couple of the extras.

Now, what Marc will always tell you about me is that I am the most impatient crafter ever ………
…….. which is why this tool just doesn’t appeal to me, there is no way I could patiently go through the instruction manual to find out how each letter is made, all that punching, turning and slicing ……. ewwwwwwww, just the thought of it makes my gums itch.

Marc, on the other hand, is the most patient crafter I have ever met, he really does put me to shame! Had I not been there, no doubt he would have worked slowly through the book, producing a whole alphabet, plus a whole string of bunting, but I think my continual chattering put him off ….. just a bit …… but I think he would beg to differ and say I put him off a whole lot!

However, I think Marc was very impressed and pleased with the letters he did manage to punch while trying to shut my din out!!!
However, while Marc and I may differ greatly in our levels of patience, in the neat and tidy stakes, it’s a draw……..

…….. when we craft the mess just spreads wider and wider, like ripples in a pond, as the ideas just keep on coming, it’s fun at the time ……. but flipping heck, it takes soooooooooooooooooooo long to tidy up afterwards!