I know Halloween is now over but I thought I would just sneak in these labels I made to seal Marc’s cello Trick or Treat bags.
Before I went down to London I promised Marc that I would get some of the Poundland stickers I had used on mine, but I am afraid in all the excitement of my trip I forgot …… aghhhh, I could have kicked myself when I finally remembered them after I had arrived!

These were the first I doodled ….. just using a sheet of small self adhesive stickers, a black fine liner pen and Promarkers for the colour.

And then, when I went into Notting Hill I managed to find these tiny stickers (below) in Accessorize.

…….. a far cry, you will agree, to the stickers they have had in the past, the ones I would rave on and on about and buy in great swathes!! However, they managed to adequately suit the occasion and my purpose……

….. with a bit of handwritten text, and a few dots and lines! I know this is sad, but I shall be dashing out to town (on Thursday) before the shelves are bereft of all Halloween stuff so that I have something to send to Marc all be it late to put away for next year!