There has been a video going round on Facebook demonstrating how to make a Christmas wreath using a pool noodle and my Auntie Beth had a go, with fantastic results …….

……. only she didn’t have a pool noodle so used bubble wrap instead, ingenious! She rolled a length of bubble wrap to make the circle base, using string to tie it in sections to keep it all together. Next came more tying when she fastened an assortment of baubles and other festive ornaments to the ring. The final flourish and piece de résistance was created by wrapping a red feather boa and a length of green tinsel round and in between the baubles, hiding the bubble wrap in the process and pinning it in position. Simples!
I didn’t have time to make one myself this year, however, I am considering having a go for Easter. In the US they make door wreaths for every occasions, so I might even have a go at a Halloween one too, so watch this space …… my eyes are now firmly peeled for a cheap supply of pot pool noodles.