Tuesday, 17 April 2018

Wedding Invitation Samples

This is the first sample pack I have sent my nephew and his fiancée to see what they think, after they asked me if I would “make” their wedding invitations.
Amanda sent me a link to a very expensive site in the US and asked me if I could come up my own interpretation on the basic theme/idea, wanting clean simple and very less is more.
She liked the idea of a band, a vellum wrap and a seal, but not necessarily all of them together, so I tried as many variations on the theme as I could, incorporating the rose gold mat card she had picked out from all the paper and card samples I had sent her from various companies and using a grey font.
As you can see there isn’t an awful lot of crafting to be done, it’s really all computer lead, except of the odd tiny flat back clear gem or pearl and the seals, made using my Ranger Melt Art Melting Pot, now discontinued!
So much of my time was taken up with experimenting playing an assortment of fonts, varying their size and style, be it capitals, regular and italic etc..
I am now waiting to see what they whittle their choices down to (if any) and what other variations, changes to wording etc. they want before I set up another round of samples. I think there will be an awful lot of too-ing and froing before we get to that final production stage, so watch this space.