I adore the style of Butler and Wilson jewellery, whenever they have a show on QVC I am ohhhhing and ahhhing like a woman possessed, but have, as of yet resisted the temptation to get my phone out and order! Although I do a several very treasured pieces, gifts from you know who ……Marc, which, whenever I wear them, always draw admiring glances and compliments. Butler and Wilson bits are often very over the top and if I was a lady “what cruises” they would look wonderful with my Captains Table ensemble, but in Wolverhampton, while shopping in Tesco, perhaps not ….. but it doesn’t hurt to dream!

Anyway, when I visited Marc last August I decided that I must finally visit a Butler and Wilson shop and have a good old moooooch, so I set off for the one in South Molton Street, off Bond Street. I’ll be honest, I nearly walked past …… as it wasn’t half as grand as I had expected!

Inside I found it overwhelming but in a slightly disappointing way…… there were racks and racks of necklaces on display, but to be honest in a manner not unlike a cluttered charity shop, there seemed too many put together, making it hard for my magpie eye to pick out any individual pieces I might have been “attracted” to for considered purchase! En mass the pieces also took on a rather tacky look, dressed individually they would have had the wow factor, less would have been so much more! But what do I know? I shouldn’t grumble as there was an awful lot of choice in a fairly small shop, where displaying everything must be a nightmare. If I was an die hard Butler and Wilson aficionado, who knew exactly what I was looking for, I would no doubt have found it!

I wish I could have taken a few pictures inside …. however I sensed it would not be the done thing to do, and just kept to the window displays.

Can you imagine me on my way to work wearing the necklace above on the Banga bus, my bus pass held safe in the discrete clutch bag and then dipping the lower pieces of said necklace in my first coffee of the day as I stirred it ???? Me and my Marmite life with champagne aspirations …. I don’t know!!!