To make a Crafty New Years Resolution or not to make a Crafty New Years Resolution that is the question!
Having said that, some of my budget will be going on “stuff” from Handy Hippo, who approached me shortly before Christmas asking if I would like to work with them by regularly posting ideas/projects where I have incorporated some items from their online shop. It is only fair to tell you that I will be receiving a discount from Happy Hippo on the products I use but the ideas will be my own and I will only use items that I trust and am happy to recommend. I am really hoping that this will be a happy and successful alliance.
As a “Thank You” to all my regular followers and commenters I am also planning on doing random giveaways throughout the year.
Marc sent me a huge pile of stuff before Christmas to do with what I wanted and so instead of asking for comments or people to become followers in order for them to “win some blog candy”, I am just going to choose someone out of the blue, who has left a comment or said something “nice” in the “chatbox” and send them a small surprise … no strings attached!!
I also hope I will be asked to do a few more reviews during the year …. requests are always a complete surprise and usually feature something completely new to me, and so keep my brain cells working.
Finally I shall maintain that there is always an ample and sufficient supply of confectionary comestibles on my work desk (and not just on Wednesdays)!!!!
So as Ethel Merman once said “Let’s get on with the show…….” and embrace 2012!