I wanted to put a little Christmas magic in the bedroom where Iris sleeps when she stays over, something she and Bertie will have Christmas memories of when they are grown up. When I was a child we always had a nativity stable made from an old Bank’s beer crate, it was something that was always there and I can still vividly remember now.

The large, wooden garden lantern was something I had searched for ages to find to go in my open fireplace back in Wolverhampton and though I didn’t bring a lot, I was determined that it would come with me to Evesham, but when I first moved in it didn’t seem to fit in anywhere and it nearly went to live with Marc, along with a couple more boxes of bits that didn’t fit in either.

But eventually, after giving it several coats of white paint it lived on my lounge window sill for a while, and then it moved again on top of the drawers in the spare room, it was then I hit upon putting a Christmas scene in it. Firstly I have a confession to make, for this year and this year only, the snow was made using a white vest, suitably draped on the bottom of the lantern, next year, I will make sure I get a more suitable piece of proper sparkly fleecy material!

Santa came from BM Bargains, I forget how much he cost, but his beard and hat trim are “real”, which was just perfect for the effect I wanted.

The two white brush trees came from Clas Ohlson and cost £2.99 each
http://www.clasohlson.com/uk/Tabletop-Christmas-Tree/44-2129 I had originally put them on my festive shelves, but no matter how much I fiddled with them I couldn’t seem to get them looking straight, but in the lantern it didn’t matter, all that mattered was that they were in proportion with Santa.

Two sets of Poundshop battery operated lights were all that were then needed to complete the whole effect. It’s finished for the time being, but what I am looking for now are a couple of little animals, perhaps a robin, rabbit or squirrel, to add a little more colour and interest, in proportion to Santa and the trees, so my eyes are on constantly alert!