It goes without saying that Iris and I have been doing a bit of Christmas crafting! I had some small canvases that really needed to be used …… so I thought that if Iris painted them, they would make a lovely Christmas present for doting Grannies, Granddads, Aunties and Uncles etc……

……. needless to say she was a natural and needed very little encouragement to seek out her inner creative spirit …….

….. which did involve just a tiny bit of tasting!!!

…….. however, I am not going to talk about the cleaning up, let’s just say, that in the end, a bath was involved and quite a bit of scrubbing!!!!

We then, as “collaborative artists” decided, a couple of weeks later, to go for a mixed media, with festive influences approach to said canvases ……. this involved sequins …….

……. and …….. an awful lot of experimentation with glue …… followed by yet another bath!!! Happy Happy Happy Happy Days!!