First of all …HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!
…… and a HUGE apology, I am afraid today’post was written right up to my midnight deadline. I got to Evesham, without the pictures I wanted to illustrate a couple of January updates with …… so today, if it isn’t cheating, I thought I would show you some of the lovely handmade cards I received over Christmas, the cards I always keep, because it is always so special when someone actually makes you a card, and also for inspiration.

I am a crafty chicken and very rarely venture away from the style/format I feel comfortable with, but having an example of someone else’s work in my hand to see how they have put it together, their choice of colours, layers, embellishments etc. often helps to inspire me to occasionally veer from my comfort zone, especially when it comes to stamping ……. something I have never really got the hang of!
The reindeer card with jewelled antlers came from Denise, the Lovely Laura’s mum, cut on her Silhouette, a very under used tool of from my own crafty arsenal! I have to confess that the only time I “use” mine is to switch it on now and again to check that it is still working after it wouldn’t load about a year or so ago and it took me ages after countless e-mails to Silhouette to sort out! I think the last time I used it properly was for Tom and Laura’s wedding back in August 2012, which is disgraceful! Marc is always nagging me about just download the free templates every month, even if I don’t make anything, I promise, I will try harder!
The second card was from my friend Sarah, made I think, by her mum. It was the wooden heart on this that made me think of trying to do a bit of doodling on some of the blank hearts I have squirrelled away. I might have to be careful of what pens I use as they could bleed into the wood and would obviously have to be fine tipped on work so small.

This card is from “Tilly”, the centre is printed but I think that Christine has added a little translucent micro glitter to some of the leaves, and the owls wings and hat. The centre was then mat and layered on a very pretty, pale blue candy cane and star paper with punched silver snowflakes in the corners.

The next card is from Krafty Karen who, if I am correct, always sends me a monkey orientated card. There is so much work in this card, the stamped centre, with, that Christmas “must have” translucent micro glitter on the hat and bobble and then perforated holes all round the edges. This has then been mat and layered three times on plain blue and then two styles of square die cuts, with added tickets (stamped) in the one corner and red flat back gems to finish the whole design. This is the card I would love to do, but my version would look like a dogs breakfast!

Diane’s card also uses another one of my much underused tools, embossing folders, I have quite a few, and was once mad for them, but when I used them they never, ever looked right! I am thinking about putting some of them for sale, as if I haven’t used them in the past ermmmmmmm, two years at least, what is the chance of me using them this year?

You know me and Kraft card and paper, I just love the whole effect. This card was from Lynne (and Archie her adopted Monkey) plus the boys and girls of the Burghead Breakfast Club. I just love it, it’s so simple and soooooo effective , I think the lettering may be die cut and the holly and berries possibly punched(?)

And finally, last but not least, I love, love, love this card, from which I will definitely be pinching elements, as soon as I saw it, it screamed Elizabeth Shaw mint!!!!! So watch this space ......