Monday 19 November 2018

Wooooo Hoooooo Hoooooo Marc’s Coming To Stay ……..

Exciting, exciting news ……. Marc is coming to stay for a loooooooong state visit type weekend,  flouncing in just before Christmas when The Towers will be in full festive mode ……. I have already put up the fairy lights up in both our bedroom windows!  It’s so exciting I think we are both counting off the days.

The freezer is full of vegetarian delicacies and cola purchased by the gallon. I do have a little vodka, but we are both being very good so that may remain unopened and that’s no bad thing, but the Malteser boxes are stacked up high imploring to be eaten!

No doubt we will visit the antique centres and charity shops of Evesham, we may even take a trip to Crafters Companion at The Valley if Marc is up for it. If we don’t actually have time to do any crafting we will certainly be bouncing ideas off each other like world champion ping pong players.  I need to tidy up my craft drawers, as Marc has already indicated that he plans to through rifle them. He hasn’t seen my new cupboards so he’ll be like a kid in a sweet shop.  And, in the evenings we will be watching as much crap as we can …… including a lot of YouTube Poundshop shopping reviews and crafts ……… what are we like.

As you know Marc is the master of camera avoidance, but whatever we get up to I promise to take pictures, if only of Marc’s hands!  Christmas is coming early this year …… Happy Days!


CraftyCoffey said...

Ooh-that’s such lovely news. I’m sure you’ll both have a fantastic time.


Cheryl W said...

So happy for you! You'll have a grand time with Marc, and I can hardly wait for you to share some photos.

marc said...

its not long now we have both been so busy of late we haven't had as much time to visit but i can t go for too long without having a park up with my amazing friend whom i love so much as she is one special talented lady with a heart of gold get the glitter out i am on my way i will look for the door with the best snowflake on big love aways marc