Wednesday 23 January 2019

Guest Crafter – Little Miss Iris’s Pass The Parcel Forfeits

Pass the Parcel is always a special part of Nanny’s tea parties and it falls on Iris to make the forfeits to go in between the layers of the parcel ……..
…….. these are her Christmas doodles, how cute are they?  Since starting school in September I have to admit to being a tiny weeny bit sad to see her drawings change as  she matures and is influenced by others styles, if that makes sense.  I still go all goose bumpy when I think of her first circle with its long, sticky out arms and legs …… and yes, I’ve got it all to come again with Bertie. He can draw a clear circle now, but doesn’t know where to go with it from there and he can also draw a most excellent snakes and drainpipes to boot
I love the way Iris has drawn squiggles to illustrate that Santa is speaking!
On this occasion she didn’t want to do any writing, there was too much to say, so Nanny was her scribe, but when she wants to ………..
…….. it’s all very, very beautiful!  I wonder when she’ll want to put fiddle fart dots on all her letter …… I don’t think I had better encourage her just yet, her mum and dad would kill me!

1 comment:

Cheryl W said...

Iris has definitely inherited her Nana's crafty and artistic talent! Loved seeing her drawings and lovely writing.