Wednesday 19 August 2020

Flip Flop Birthday Card

This card measures 6ins x 6ins and uses a white, pre-scored blank bought in a bulk pack in one of  Hobbycrafts sales.

Flip Flop Birthday Card

No real great shakes here on the creative front, just quick and easy card made for my lovely neighbour Kata who wears nothing other than flip flops on her feet!

Flip Flop Embellishments.  Flip Flop Birthday Card

I simply covered the front of the card blank with a suitable paper from my docrafts “In Bloom” paper pad, found out two packs of different sized self adhesive, silver glitter alphabet sets and jiggled around with them until they looked pretty balanced in the middle of the card

Flip Flop Birthday Card.  Flip Flop Embellishments

I added a flat back pearl to each foam flip flop embellishments and then filled in some of the gaps with various sized silver stars and a scattering of three black dots (that weren't really necessary).  One birthday card done and dusted!

1 comment:

Cheryl W said...

This card is really fun! I love how you personalized it for Kata with all those flip flops. Brilliant!