Monday 5 October 2020

My First Attempt At Felting And A House For A Hedgehog.

I have never done felting before because, to be honest, it’s never been of any interest to me …….  until, that is, a trip to The Works with Iris (more in tomorrows post), when she just popped a kit in my/her basket.


I am not even sure if this is real proper felting, because it has a polystyrene middle that you bodge the wool into and I thought true felting was just wool?


Anyway, once back at Nanny’s, Iris had other crafty things to occupy her and since I was a bit of a spare part I decided to have a look at said hedgehog, it quickly became obvious that this was a might fiddly for Iris and judging by my bodged and bloody fingers when I had finished, not the most ideal activity for a little one.


However, I don’t think I dun too bad ……..


The only thing I did “wrong” was lose the stem to the flower, which is why Madam Hedgehog is now wearing it in her hair.


Seeing my finished effort persuaded Iris that Madam Hedgehog now needed a house (all her toys seem to need a house), so a washing tablet box was duly turned inside out, wallpapered and carpeted and then decorated on the outside by Iris, with a little help colouring the bricks from Nanny ……..


…… there was much concentration on both parts ……..


………. until No.18, with its cabbage patches and fish pond …….


……….. was ready, complete with bed, for Madam Hedgehog to take possession!


Cheryl W said...

I think you did a great job felting your hedgehog. He looks adorable. Can't say I've ever been interested in trying my hand at felting, but I like the look of it. Iris's house is perfect! She definitely inherited the crafty gene from her Nana.

CraftyCoffey said...

Your Hedgehog looks so cute, the house is perfect! I just bought the Owl kit for my friend & was very tempted by the Hedgehog kit for myself.

tilly said...

Well I could live there myself with that comfy little bed, well done to you both