Monday 4 October 2021

Wooden Toy Christmas Wreath

First of all need to say a HUGE thank you to my friend Anne who back in May sent me a wonderful parcel containing all her, as she called them, “defunct” wooden Christmas tree decorations after seeing the wooden toy wreath I made for Christmas 2020. 

Marc, bless him, has converted the original wreath ever since. What’s he like? However, although I promised I’d make him one, finding enough wooden toy decorations to do so was going to take quite some time to collect, until Anne gave me a helping hand.

IMG_3492Wooden Christmas Tree Decorations

Then after Marc and I had been nattering about me getting started, a wonderous parcel arrived curtesy of Amazon week from Marc, further geeeeeing me along.

Cardboard wreath circlesIMG_3493

I’d already got the base ready on my craft table, having glued two cardboard rings together, so create solid base to work on, followed by giving it a couple of coats of white paint.

Wooden Toy Christmas Wreath 1Wooden Toy Christmas Wreath 23 1

I used a glue gun to fix all the pieces to the cardboard frame and each other because ordinary glue, even E9000 would have just been too slow, the little blighters have a tendency to slide and drop of without using something that sets almost instantly.

Wooden Toy Christmas Wreath 3

It took me about three hours to get the base completely covered …………


….. and that’s when the real fiddle farting began, adding layers upon layer, plus even smaller embellishments, including holly berries to the sprigs of holly, characters holding Christmas baubles, gingerbread men and a few skulls, because both Marc and I have a thing about skulls (and taking in The Nightmare Before Christmas) among other tiny things.


Marc was keen on lots of sparkle, but here I was more reserved, just giving the trees a layer or two of ultra fine, translucent glitter.


Then when I just couldn’t add any more, it was time to pick off all the threads left from the glue gun glue ……. aghhhhhh, I still don’t think I’ve got them all!


Marc is so excited about it, I text him pictures as the whole thing took shape ……….. I know it will be soooooooo treasured and looked at with loving eyes.  It’s a total one off, there’ll never ever be another one like it, a bit like Marc!!!!!


…… and it'll look much better on the cottage door than my very plain front door.  I do have another box of small decorations left, but I think it might take me until this time next year to gird my loins to do it all again, it was pretty intensive going!

Anne’s blog :-


Cheryl W said...

It looks amazing! All those tiny toys must have taken a toll on your fiddle-farting patience. I know it would mine!!

CraftyCoffey said...

Oh my goodness-the wreath is absolutely stunning!! What a lovely gesture to besent so many items to use on The wreath.


tilly said...

It's just magnificent ! a labour of love (but also enjoyment ) what a mass of small faces to be seen lol, can we all have one ???? no... I thought not

SeasideKaren said...

Oh wow, that is absolutely wonderful! There’s so much to look at, if I was visiting Marc I’d forget to knock on his door, I’d be too lost in thought looking at all those wonderful little figures! We are away for Christmas this year, but I think next year I might have to copy you if that’s ok!

Mrs A. said...

Oh golly gosh don’t they look great. Just showed The Doc your resulting wreath and he thinks it is smashing. Glad Marc likes his wreath. Hugs Anne (Mrs A) .