Monday 26 September 2022

Ghostly Pumpkin Pin Badges

These badges follow on from the skeleton and batty badges of last week, sometimes it’s nice to offer a choice to Iris and Bertie and anyone else I might offer one to during our traditional Halloween weekend, some people like ghosts others may prefer skelliebobs instead!

Wooden Halloween Pumpkin and ghost pin badge

They are made exactly the same way as last week, painting the MDF pumpkins orange and then giving them a coat of Glossy Accents ……….


…… and colouring the ghosts with white Ranger Enamel Accents.


The spiders are table confetti that I have added two tiny, green, nail art gems to followed by a layer of Glossy Accents.  I also added Glossy Accents to the vintage Dymo Label Maker “boos” to help them blend into the overall shiny finish. 


Then came a scattering of tiny gold and green stars and clusters of three dots to fill in the empty spaces and bring the design together.


Before adding the bar brooch fitting I coloured the back of the ghosts white and doodled a rough pumpkin outline, to help make the badge look properly finished off.

Wooden Halloween Pin Badge with Pumkin, ghosts and spiders

I think they work …… this one’s mine!

1 comment:

Cheryl W. said...

These are so much fun! Perfect for Halloween.