Monday 18 September 2023

Revamping The Towers

Although I am not in the mood to make any fiddle farty tranklements at the moment, with the autumn slowly creeping onwards and the dark nights closing in, I wanted to add some pops of colour to The Towers without going to the expense and upheaval of redecorating completely …… so to get me started I thought I would tackle a small part of the hall that was looking decidedly a little lacklustre.


I’ve never really liked the darkness of the clock ……… so decided to spray paint it yellow, but after two cans of bright yellow, it didn’t really work …….


…..the colour added nothing and it just looked even more disjointed than ever, instead bringing everything together with a pop, aghhhhhhhh!


I’d toyed with the idea of Decopatch in the past, but didn’t want the flat to turn into Decopatch Towers, but rather than look for yet another paint colour, I decided to give it a whirl, as I already had all the stuff to do it for free (sort of) sticking to papers that had blue/turquoise in them.


Within the first five minutes I knew it was working and then within an hour and a bit it was done, followed by five/six good coats of quick drying, clear varnish over the next two days.  I am thrilled.

decopatch clockIMG_4134

I finally felt like I am getting somewhere in this small area and can’t help but smile every time I look at the clock.


I now need to varnish the shelved unit, I had it chalk painted, but am not impressed, as it has chipped in places.  I am going to go over the chipped areas with the leftover paint and then varnish it with a clear, mat varnish, which might (?) perk up the colour a bit too.

The 10p dark wood, charity shop candlestick is destined to be painted pink and the large £3.99 (Salvation Army) candle stand potentially purple, with a large, trailing plant (?)  I also think it needs to be on a square block to make it a little higher, so I am currently on the look for something suitable, not sure what, but I’ll know it when I see it, for just the right price!


Cheryl W said...

Your clock looks amazing! I hope you'll be able to share pics of the other changes as you make them.

Anonymous said...

The clock looks stunning-you’ve totally transformed it.


Faith A at Daffodil Cards said...

You are so creative Helen, the clock is wonderful, love the colourful decoupage. I look forward to seeing the other updated.
Faith x