This card is A5 in size using a hand cut card blank in white linen card.

Linda asked me if I could run through how I make one of my newspaper cards again, as she was under the impression that I printed the whole thing out on an A5 card…. so here goes ……
I create the newspaper image on an A4 Portrait page in Publisher …. and then when I am happy with it, I save it as a jpeg so that I can print it to any size I want while keeping the proportions right.
I then create a new page in Publisher in A4 Landscape, inserting the card front jpeg and sizing it slightly short of A5. Extra decoupage layers are made by copying and pasting and then cropping the resized card image, until I am left with just the parts I need.
I cut the card front out , leaving a slight edge all the way round.

And then mat and layer it on silver or another matching card, before sticking it on the card blank with double sided tape.

The decoupage layers are then cut out and stuck down with adhesive foam pads.

Finishing touches can then be added like Ranger Glossy Accents to give dimension and accentuate, in this case the speech bubbles.

That’s all there is to it, perhaps a little long winded and fiddle farty but it works for me.
The brief for this card was that it was for a gentleman called Bill, who always told his wife Anne, when questioned, that all the parts and work on his E-type Jag that he went hill climbing in only ever cost 50 quid! Pull the other one!!