As you know I love candles and night lights and this was an idea I had for Christmas last year but never seemed to have the time to put it all together …. so after my mahooosive craftroom tidy up I gathered up all the bits I’d bought and decided to finally have a go……

I had a circular cooking rack and one of a pack of three hanging basket chains from Poundland plus some baby food jars given to me by a friend.

The chain fitted onto the cooling tray like a dream, balancing it was easy because the rack was divided into six equal parts. The rack also had six feet which is where I thought I could dangle the jars from.

To hang the jars I simply tied a piece of rustic looking string round the top using another piece attached to both sides to form a hanger, I then tied the hanger onto a foot on the rack with yet another piece of string, nothing fancy, I wanted it to look makeshift and a bit rough.
Then on top of the rack I glued seven more jars using E6000 glue (as recommended by Marc) which is really, really strong when dry, six jars went round the edges and one in the middle ….. and that’s it … Fait accompli!!

I couldn’t believe it when it hung perfectly first time and I didn’t have to fiddle and fart about to get it to balance.

Now I know the idea works I can really let my imagination go wild ….. and really fancy things up if/when I make another ….. using wire instead of string ….. using a frosted glass spray on the jars ….. adding beads ….. the world is my really is my lobster!!
That is an amazing thing! How do you think of these things? Have you seen the baby shower gifts which are popping up on the net at the moment? Things like baby sock bouquets and nappy cakes. I bet you could do something brilliant with those ideas. Jenx
wish i had the sort of mind that
thinks of these things, it would be great for lighting up a bbq dont you think?
Fab creation Helen - I can just imagine one of these all 'fiddle farted' for Christmas.
Toni xx
Helen, just how do you think of these ideas. It looks great and yes, I too can see a really pretty one hanging up for Christmas. So many possibilities!!
Toni xx
wounderful make it will look nice all year round and this one you can dec to fit the occashion ie christmas easter birthdays halloween its a wfab make big love marc
Lovely creations!!!! I follow you and i'll be huppy if you follow me too. Hugs from Greece!
Such a great idea; so inventive and creative...endless possibilities for your design ideas.... certain to look magical at night....Dianne
Very good! Well done :-)
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