When I mess about trying to decide where to put the tiniest and most insignificant of flat back gem I call it Fiddle Farting, hence the name of the blog!!!
Thursday, 31 October 2013
Lisa’s Halloween Mojo Challenge Part 3
I think I have done justice to Lisa’s Halloween Mojo Challenge pack …….
Three tags today …. using Sizzix pumpkins, bats and spiders plus papers, ric rac braid and a button and a few bits from my box of tricks There are still a few bits and pieces left to use …. so hopefully, give me a day or two there may be yet another post!
Wednesday, 30 October 2013
What’s On My Desk Wednesday
What’s on my desk this Wednesday? Just a couple of bits of festive frippery…..
A rough and ready Christmas decoration from Poundland ….. but I reckon with a dab of gloss paint round the bottom and some fiddle farting on the letters, (not sure if they will actually need totally recovering) and it could be miraculously transformed …… I also have a sort of feeling that I will wish I had bought a couple more!
Monday, 28 October 2013
Halloween Trick Or Treat Mints
Same old …. same old I am afraid, just different stickers!!!
This years stickers come from Hobbycraft, what I love about them is they are round and the perfect size for using with my Stampin’Up scallop punch, so no mat and layering, and some have wobbly eyes!!!
I then put a little double sided tape on the back of each stickered and written circle with the mint sandwiched in the middle.
For the front of the mints all I had to do was punch out a few scalloped circles, plonk on a sticker and add a bit of doodling.
The backs were made just the same but instead of the sticker I added a plain circle to the centre using my 1 3/8 Stampin’ Up punch with a bit of handwriting and more doodles round the edges.
Cute and Spooky!
Thursday, 24 October 2013
Ikea and 99c Only Store Makeover - Glass Cake Stand and Stemmed Dish
I have waited a long time to do this post!
However, I have just found the 99c Only Store blog, which is well worth a look for some very ingenious craft ideas - http://www.99only.com/blog
Playing With Marc’s Melting Pot and Utee.
I have been sooooooo slow at getting things blogged recently, I stayed with Marc back in August and only now am I showing you what we got up to, how rude!
Firstly …… Marc introduced me to the art of cooking chicken in the “London Style”, you can imagine all childish giggling that ensued, especially when I asked innocently how/where I should insert the onion (for flavour) and the accompanying stuffing, after giving it a good buttery massage, while being closely scrutinised by Marc …….. we are sooooo bad together! And then, naturally I had to introduce Marc to drinking vodka and coke Las Vegas style ……. 
I digress …… so, back in August we decided to get Marc’s Melting Pot out, something I have always been curious about, but never quite managed to get in my online shopping basket …..
We both wanted to experiment with using it with coloured UTEE to faux solder simple microscope slides decorations, especially as Marc had every colour under the sun to colour the UTEE, that’s so Marc!!!!
The idea was to sandwich a piece of decorative paper between two microscope slides and then dip each side into the UTEE to create a faux solder all the way round.
However, Marc and I are both very good at getting distracted by other things along the way and going off on tangents, we are also TOTALLY undisciplined when it comes to getting things out when we are crafting ….. and before we knew it Marc’s lounge was covered with all the things he wanted to show me and that we oooowed and ahhhed over as only crafters do!!!!
There was stuff everywhere!!!! I was very impressed at our very first attempts , the UTEE was easy to use and the effect pleasingly “rough/rustic” …..
Since I have come home Marc and I have talked/planned a lot about what we want to try next time with Marc’s Melt Pot. I especially want to try making UTEE cubes that contain little treasures using an ice cube tray ….. so I think my suitcase will be full of purposeful bits and pieces now that I have a clearer idea about what I can do with UTEE, rather than clothes ….. but since we spend most of our time lounging in our pyjamas anyway …… I don’t think I will miss them!
And now, going off on a tangent ….these are just a few of the decorative pins Marc has made, they are soooooo beautiful, and each one different ….. I have a few that I keep on my treasure shelf in my dining room in little bottles …… I love them so much.
And this is a card that Marc ‘just’ knocked up on his first attempt of using his new Karen Burniston Sizzix Album, Accordion Flip 3-D die Item # 658035. Marc is very into his 3D and pop up dies/cards. I am afraid they are a little beyond me ….. and too much work, all those sides to fill!!!!!!! I tell Marc that his need to construct is a “man thing”!!!
Oh, and how was the chicken? …….. Nom, nom, nom …… although Marc didn’t actually have any as he is a veggie!!! Happy, happy days!
Wednesday, 23 October 2013
What’s On My Wall Wednesday
The first thing I did was look for a bit of inspiration, in my head I had English country garden, but then ….. I got very side tracked when I found some paintings/prints by Heather Galler ….. oh my, I just love her style!
This painting lark is all so new to me and I think I may have cheated, because I noticed on my very first canvas, now hanging in the dining room that all my flowers were a little squiffy and on the lopsided side, so I decided to use templates, well, a pile of plates and cups and containers to get my circles round!!!!
I am also not sure that acrylics really are the way to go for me either …….but there again I don’t really have a clue about paint in the first place. I don’t find that they layer quite as well as I would like (I want to mat and layer in my painting!) …. I really am the blind, leading the blind …. so if anyone has any tips.
Anyway it’s all a great experiment, and I will see how I go, so watch this space!!!
Sunday, 20 October 2013
Halloween Brew 2013
Oh my life I never thought I would ever get back my enthusiasm to make my Halloween brew again. I lost all my files when my computer “died", so last Halloween I didn’t have the heart to “redo” them ….. but there is something about seeing all the Halloween bits and pieces in the shops that just nags at me to do something ….. So Ta Dah …… FiddleFart Halloween Brew 2013!
The cards were designed to fit a cello bag approx. 9cm wide x 22cm long (not including the fold over), however, if your bags are a little bigger you could do a little creative mat and layering to make them fit! I sealed the completed packs with my sealer, which also cuts the excess cello bag off, but a transparent cell would work just as well.
I bought my Elitech vacuum sealer several years ago, but don’t really feel qualified to offer any advice on buying one ….but if you are thinking about it for crafting, have a look on e-bay or Amazon …. I think I would expect to pay anything up to about £40 perhaps – anything under £20 would be a bargain!
Tuesday, 15 October 2013
Two Graduation Cards
As you know my Lucy graduated a couple of weeks ago amidst much pride, she not only got a First Class degree but also two special awards for her work and disertation, which she was told was a unique achievement in her department, all that while watching out for her dear old mum!!!
No cheating at all with this second card was made by the Equally Lovely Denise, the Lovely Laura’s mum (my new daughter in law!) A very clever design that I plan to remember and copy in the future. I always struggle with mortar boards, such a weird shape ….. I had never thought of a square with a tassel ….. yet another doh on my behalf, I really am rusty these days!
Monday, 14 October 2013
Gingham Santa Cards
These cards measure 9.5cm x 9.5cm and are made using a hand cut white linen effect card blank.
I am not at all sure about these cards! I really don’t like the green gingham or the red for that matter!! In fact they are really YUK!!!
I’ve used stickers from The 99p Store that I got last year, but they just aint right!!! Perhaps it’s because they have no dimension and have a peel off look to them! Anyway I think they will be well and truly consigned to the “only use in an emergency box”!!!!
However, I am much happier with the tags …. perhaps it’s because tags don’t need that much dimension and the kraft card and bakers/butchers string add a Christmassy feel.
I’d got some bits and pieces left over that didn’t quite suit the front of the tags, but were perfect for the back! Done and dusted!
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