When I mess about trying to decide where to put the tiniest and most insignificant of flat back gem I call it Fiddle Farting, hence the name of the blog!!!
Sunday, 31 March 2013
Happy Easter From Me and My Guest Crafter …… My Brother Stephen …….
Saturday, 30 March 2013
Guest Crafter - The Lovely Denise’s And Her Wedding Mice
Following on from yesterday’s bracelets …….
….. during our “Crafty Wedding Evenings” chez moi, we have been wondering what to make for the gentlemen as a small favours for Tom and The Lovely Laura’s much anticipated wedding …… then the Equally Lovely Denise had a brainwave ……. crocheted mice that can been used as noticeboard pins!

She bought the pattern from etsy

The equally Lovely Denise then ordered a ball of every colour wool, which are all so beautiful, it’s been hard for her to choose which to use first!
The idea is a no brainer as we reckon that when the ladies see the mice sitting next to the gentlemen’s place cards they will go all ohhhhh and ahhhhhh and will want one too, and the gentlemen ….. being gentlemen, will then offer them to their “ladies” as random acts of wedding kindness!!!!! What are we like?
Click on all rainbow mice pictures (except for my two) for links to etsy shop.

She bought the pattern from etsy
The equally Lovely Denise then ordered a ball of every colour wool, which are all so beautiful, it’s been hard for her to choose which to use first!

Thursday, 28 March 2013
Elizabeth Shaw Mints – Funny Favours
Woooo hooo …… I’ve finally made this Easter’s version of the world famous Elizabeth Shaw mint favours!!!!
Wednesday, 27 March 2013
Another Easter Card
This card measures 5ins x 5ins and is made using a hand cut, white linen effect card
This card is a bit of a smorgasbord of materials that shouldn’t really go together, but in a quirky way do!!!
I used three rabbit stickers from a sheet I got from WholePort, some punched flowers and a scrap of printed card (from Kanban, Stone Wall, CRD8002)
Tuesday, 26 March 2013
An Easter Bunny Card And A FiddleFart Disaster!!!
This card measures 5ins x 5ins and is made using a hand cut, white linen effect card blank
I apologise profusely because I just haven’t done anything of an Easter nature this year. I did think (briefly) about making a few Easter penny bags etc. for work, but I just couldn’t bear the thought of traipsing round the shops looking for bits ….. perhaps next year I’ll get my act together…..
I found these stickers amongst all the other goodies in one of my parcels from WholePort and thought I had better use them, while bunnies were current …….. hence the very quick Easter card above.
And now for this car crash disaster of a tag ….. it looks more like a cat, what was I thinking of? However, if I was inspired enough to have another go it wouldn’t take much fine tweaking to improve it …. the basic idea is there!! It won’t go to waste though, as I plan to use it as a “prop” for the the Monkey’s Easter morning post!!!!
Monday, 25 March 2013
Sunday, 24 March 2013
What A Difference A Few Days Make …….
Saturday, 23 March 2013
Guest Crafter–The Equally Lovely Denise And Her Wedding Bracelets
Wedding preparations still continue to gather pace and after consultation with the Bride, the Lovely Laura, Denise (Laura’s mum) and I said that “we” would make some glass beaded bracelets for wedding favours for the ladies …..
Denise managed to use a lot of the lampwork beads I got from WholePort in the bracelets ……
…. and seeing how beautifully they have come out I am glad I kept one string back to use with the other beads that were left over, as I have been inspired to make a few for myself to wear in the coming spring/summer months when I just want to surround myself with colour after this prolonged dull winter…..
The next thing for the “Crafty Wedding Crafters” to work out is what to put each bracelet in ….. I have an idea …. which will probably mean getting my dusty and very under used Silhouette machine out of retirement!
Objects Of GREAT Desire
I love this furniture and accessories from a German company called Kare Design, I just love the colours, patterns and the quirkiness …..
….. which has inspired me to eventually revamp the rather “past the sell by date” furniture etc. in my craft room in a similar way, only using Decopatch papers …….
….. when I have the time …….!!!!
I don’t have a clue how much any of this stuff costs …. but I reckon I couldn’t even afford a tea towel from their range, but it’s lovely to just look and dream!
Friday, 22 March 2013
Packed Lunch Gift Bag
Another very quick idea and so simple, so I apologise beforehand as I am probably teaching grandma to suck eggs ……. but it’s keeping the blog posts flowing …….
I used a brown paper lunch bag that I have had for years, so long that I just cannot remember where I originally got them, but I found these on e-bay …. however, I have not used this seller so if you make a purchase you do so at your own risk.
I have simply folded the top of the bag over a couple of times and then punched a hole through the layers, roughly in the centre to thread through the tag string, knotting it at the back …… simples!
Thursday, 21 March 2013
Candy Rainbows
My friend Josie sent me this picture and link with Tom and Laura’s “rainbow” wedding in mind ……
http://catchmyparty.com/photos/525090 – it’s an idea I have seen before and I just love ….
…. I checked out to see if they are available over here, and yes they are …. from Amazon, Ebay and other online shops specialising in American products, with prices varying from £1.19 a pack to £1.99+, so making them for every wedding guest would be rather prohibitive ….. but nevertheless it’s such a lovely idea ….. it’s one to keep on the back burner!
They are made using American sweets/candy called Twizzlers ….
I may also try and find a few packs when I am in Las Vegas to bring back because when I did a Google search on them there were lots of other lovely ideas I would also like to try out.
Tuesday, 19 March 2013
Tom And Laura’s Wedding Place Settings
Well…Tom and Laura’s Crafty Wedding Dream Team of Denise, Sarah, Emily, Daisy, Lucy and me can’t rest on our laurels for too long as we now have all the place settings to do …..
The tables will also be liberally sprinkled with more punched flowers with a few “diamonds” added for even more sparkle …. it’s going to look sooooo beautiful!
Monday, 18 March 2013
A Very Special Cushion

…… but in others the detail is breath-taking.
Sunday, 17 March 2013
Volunteer Of The Day Tags
This is a set of 6 tags I made my sister Jan for one of her many volunteering events. They measure approximately 10cms x 5cms and are made using a Kraft effect card.
2peas font available free from this site: http://www.fontpalace.com/font-details/2Peas+Typo/
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