First of all Fiddle Fart ……. as I said before, I haven’t really crafted properly since September due to my spending weekends away or people coming over etc. and as a result I think my mojo has suffered over that time, so I am going to continue for the next little while at least posting on a Monday, and then perhaps look in the Fiddle Fart archives and re-post ideas for Valentines Day and Easter, as I did in the lead up to Christmas, just to keep things going and then re-evaluate again in a month or twos time.

My only resolution is a consequence of the above ……. not to buy anymore crafting stuff, no matter how much of a bargain or tempting, I bought too much before Christmas, mainly from The Works and none of it actually got used! Marc and I had a bit of a discussion when I saw him last as to our buying habits, do we buy to craft or do we buy to collect (and stroke)? I need to learn to craft using what I already have and believe me I could craft for the next 20 years and not need to buy anything. This I hasten to add will be an extremely hard resolution to keep!
The next two months are going to be pretty busy, the main reason is I that I am having a few alterations done to my bedroom (above, as it looked over Christmas). I decided I wanted drawers on either side of the bed and some extra shelving.
This is what my carpenter Dave and I came up with to match the wardrobes and drawers he created just after I first moved in (below).
Before Pete can get started I need an electric plug socket moved and another one added to where the top of each set of drawers will be, so the period between Christmas and the New Year seemed to be the ideal time to see where existing pieces of furniture could be moved to or reluctantly got rid of.
As it happened the bedside drawers fit perfectly inside one of the wardrobes ….. so that’s a new home for vests, pants and socks sorted!
Initially, I was going to put the Ikea Billy bookcase in the guest room but it just didn’t look right. I had measured it previously and didn’t think it would fit in the hall cupboard but I decided to try it anyway, despite my fears of it getting stuck but it was a perfect fit! I now have a space for shoes at the bottom and then found some collapsible boxes in Home Bargains that fit after re-spacing the shelves! I was thrilled as it created even more space. However, in creating space that gives me the opportunity to fill said space, a double edged and very dangerous sword, so perhaps I should add “one thing in so at least one thing out!” to my resolutions!
It all kicks off around 8th January, so I will keep you updated on progress.