Marc sent me something that really fired up my creative juices, not sure what the proper name for them is is so I’m going to call them mini accordion files. The first two in the picture are the “real thing” and the one on the right is a template that Marc also popped in so I could make my own.
The Japanese one was stunning ….with some of the envelopes containing lovely earrings and a necklace ……

….. as was the green suede effect one, what is he like!!!!???
Now please bear with me as this was my first attempt …. and just hope the instructions are good enough for you to follow.
First I drew round Marc’s template, onto a firm/thick card, the notches indicate where the score lines should be. I then cut it out and scored and folded it, making the “joints” supple and bendy.
I chose to cover my file with a navy silk material/paper (from QVC outlet shop), but with hindsight, as this was my first effort perhaps it would have been easier to used a patterned paper.
I cut the silk paper giving me enough spare to fold over to give neat edges using double sided tape to stick it all down.
Then I cut out the notches, and proceeded to carefully and as neatly as possible fold over and stick the edges.
Voila …. I followed this by cutting another piece of silk paper to cover the inside of the file, again sticking it down with double sided tape.
Next came the envelopes, six in all, and all I can say is that Marc’s envelopes are much, much neater than mine ….. I was far too impatient to see the finished article!

When the envelopes were all cut out and stuck together, I put a length of double sided tape down the middle and stuck the envelopes one on top of each other to form an accordion effect………
…… which I then stuck to both ends of the file.
I also added a far too large Velcro fixing to each end ….. again I was in far too much of a hurry!!

Phew …… finally done and dusted!
This is now going in my rucksack to keep all my little findings and treasure safe and sound.
I have made a PDF of Marc’s templates, that I will gladly send to anyone who wants it. I am not too hot on this sort of thing, so I think in the process, the templates are now slightly smaller than the originals, so ignore the measurements I scribbled on them,
but I am sure that from what I have done, you can use the measurements to make up your own set of templates if you want, or use the template as it is. –